Last Thursday in the Exploring room the children got to make their own playdough. All the ingredients were laid on out the table for our enthusiastic team. We guided the children on how to progress by allowing them to put in the flour, salt and cinnamon into the bowl. They then added some oil and enjoyed stirring the ingredients before adding some water. They learnt how to stir with the spoon and knead the play dough. Elsie’s Dad thought it was great she was making playdough. In the Adventure room we observed the need of the children to paint on other surfaces and with other…
With lots of new arrivals in the Exploring room there is a new level of curiosity when it comes to exploring and discovering. We encourage this interest by providing opportunities for the new babies to explore through heuristic play. Heuristic play describes the activity of babies and children as they play with and explore the properties of 'objects'. These 'objects' are things from the real world. One of the staff was coming back from her break and picked up some recycled cardboard rolls in Reception and brought them into the room. Some of the children were very curious by the cardboard rolls and soon got…