Adventure Room Some of the children knew last week that Friday was St. Patricks day and they really enjoyed the arts and crafts. We provided a big piece of paper, glue, blue and yellow paint, glitter, shamrocks and cotton. Some children sticked on shamrocks while others stamped their fingers and hands on it. Other used the cotton to spread our the green glitter. We created a nice St. Patricks day mural which we put up on the wall. Some parents were delighted to hear their children were involved in the mural. Discover Room During circle time last week St. Patricks’ day came up in conversation…
Exploring Room Last Monday we were making playdough and decided to make it wetter than usual. The children gathered around the table eager to start playing with the dough. However, they were surprised to see it was not what they were expecting! This dough was wet and sticky. This made for a new play experience as the children experimented with the wet dough, touching , feeling, pulling it and generally creating a big mess! One parent commented’ I must start giving him playdough at him as he’s having so much fun playing with it here every day’. Adventure Room Last week we felt the…
Adventure Room As some of the children were really interested in animals last week Amanda created a folder full of animal pictures. Amanda introduced this new material to the children and a conversation began about the animals, their body parts, characteristics and what food they ate. Sam’s Mum was happy to hear that he shared his interest in animals in the crèche, while Ethan’s Dad had a chat with him about animals when he collected him. Looks like we will have to get out some more books about animals this week. Discovery Room Many an interesting conversation starts in our Cosy Corner. Last week the…