In a Montessori environment a cosmic education is how a child learns their place in relation to the world around them. The children in Crawford Childcare’s Montessori are introduced to this on their birthdays. Recently Kevin turned 3 years of age and got to experience the birthday walk. Another child held a representation of the sun while Kevin walked around the sun 3 times whilst holding the sandpaper globe. Each circle represents the earth’s yearly orbit around the sun. The child begins to understand how they are connected to the wider cosmos – the planets, sun and solar system. Other learning in the Montessori this…
There have been a lot of ideas for a name for our rescue horse. The children, parents and staff have all contributed. It has been a difficult task but we have made a shortlist that includes Buzz, Twinkle Toes, Rebel, Tickles and Oreo. Everyone was invited to vote on their favourite, every vote counted as it has been a close run contest. The actual name will be announced shortly! Find out more about the new horse here. During class time the Montessori children have been using rocket ships for number recognition and maths skills. Outside, tyres are still proving to be a great learning resource. Some…
Every year, usually in May the Montessori have a school tour. For the past 2 years the Montessori class have visited Tir Na Si open farm based in Watergrasshill. The farm is only a 15 minute bus trip from the crèche. It is well run, informative and fun. As well as many animals there are fun-based activities based at the farm including outside and inside playgrounds, pony and trap rides and mini golf. Julia, the owner has always looked after us well on the tours of the farm. The children have even helped with feeding the animals under her supervision. An Aistear showcase in Mallow…
This week was the first week of our Montessori year. When a new term begins it is important to encourage the children to respect each other and their learning environment. During circle time our teachers have explained the need for rules. The children made their own classroom rules with the support of their teachers. The teachers then made picture forms of the children’s rules - just in case any of us need to be reminded! Our Montessori work shelves are denoted by red stars to help the children differentiate between the materials used during work time and play time. The available material is limited to…
Each of our 3 rooms in Crawford Childcare follows Aistear (NCCA, 2009) the National Curriculum Framework for children aged 0-6 years. The curriculum content is child led in that it is formed around the children’s emergent interests. “Interests” are behaviours, subjects, ideas, things, topics and events which inspire, fascinate and stimulate positive learning dispositions such as concentration, perseverance and curiosity. Early year workers in our service use the interests of the children, families, community and themselves as the substance of the learning program. Interests are developed through projects/ investigations using fun, hands-on experiences where children and adults explore the learning together to develop theories and…