The babies got messy recently as they explored strawberry, raspberry and orange jelly. All the senses are used in jelly play. Trays of jelly were placed on the floor and the children looked at and played with it in any way they wanted. Jelly is sticky and changes state easily when played with. It is fun to watch this, listen to the splats as the jelly hits the floor and trays, they smell and taste differently from another type of jelly and to squeeze, pour and spread. The adults’ role was to observe while sitting closely by describing the babies actions to build vocabulary and…
There has been a lot of work going on in all our rooms recently as the team worked together to create cosy areas in each of the rooms. Each cosy area was planned carefully. We wanted our cosy corners to be places for our children to feel safe, separate from other play areas, a place to relax, wind down and to read. Forward facing libraries, shelving and soft furniture and drapes form the basis of our cosy corners. We ensure there are a range of books including catalogues, magazines, paperbacks and hard page books on offer. Our babies love our Nursery Rhyme books and point…
On Tuesday October 6th 2015, everyone in Crawford Childcare took part in celebrating Cheerios Breakfast Together Week where children and staff wore their pyjamas to crèche for the day. For many families the excitement started well before arriving at crèche. Darragh’s first words when he woke up were “it’s pyjama day today”. Ellie’s dad said that he has never seen her so excited coming to crèche. This excitement continued throughout the whole day! The day of fun filled activities kicked off with Cathy and Charlene meeting and greeting parents and children in reception offering some well deserved teas and coffees to our parents. Also waiting…
The babies have been taking advantage of the nice weather by pumping up a paddling pool and filling it with balls to make their very own ball pit! The children were all excited about the ball pit and some dived into it the minute they laid their eyes on it. The ball pit was a great way for the children to play energetically or to wind down and relax while enjoying this sensory experience. The babies loved spending the day climbing in and out of the pool as well as rolling around inside it. Some of the children even appeared to be pretending to swim…