The toddlers have been talking about cats and often crawl around pretending to be cats. So following this interest the toddlers have set about learning more about them. We have flash cards showing the toddlers what the cats use as furniture such as their beds, bowls and scratching posts. We are discussing what food cats like to eat. Beatriz told us cats like to drink milk. We spoke to some toddlers explaining that cats like to use scratching posts. Seamus kept asking “why” curious to find out more information. Some ideas we came up with included “It feels good” and “Cos they itchy” and “It…
At Crawford Childcare, Co. Cork we are currently working towards becoming an accredited Health Promoting Service. One of the areas we have been working on for this is well-being/ emotional literacy. To support this we have recently introduced the idea of a friendship stop to the children. The idea is that if anyone feels a bit down or just wants someone to play with them they can visit the friendship stop and a buddy will join them to help them feel better. This has benefits for both children. The child looking for a buddy feels supported without having to talk about their feelings and without…
Recently we have been exploring potato stamping with the children in the baby room. This is a new experience for many of the children in this room. We decided to introduce this as some of our babies have shown a sensitivity to using their hands and feet directly. Although interested in the process of watching others doing this there are one or two who just haven’t liked the feel of the paint being directly on their hands and feet. As the babies seem interested in the activity we decided to give using different tools a try and so in came the potatoes!! The baby team…
As part of my College Course Early Childhood Care and Education FETAC Level 5 I am completing 120 hours work experience here in Crawford Childcare, Glanmire. It was my whole life passion and fascination to work with children. Children show us a world that we may have forgotten how to imagine and it is a world full of wonder. Small experiences are major events to children. When raindrops fall on their hands they might tell you it feels tingling or they can look at a moving worm for a long time out of pure fascination. They trust you without any doubt. It is so important…