Allergies in children are common. Proper control and treatment of your child’s allergies will make them happier and healthier. Please talk to the team at Crawford Childcare and Montessori if your child has been diagnosed with an allergy concerning its management and treatment so that allergies do not get in the way of your child’s enjoyment and learning. Any child may become allergic but there is a higher likelihood if there is a family history of such. Allergies can show up in different ways including skin rashes, asthma, hay fever and food allergies. Hay fever may cause a runny itchy nose, red eyes and ear…
Here in Crawford Childcare, Glanmire the Montessori children have been cantering across the field in their wellies as their interest in horses develop. We have been talking about Oreo of course as well as horses we have met on family trips and holidays. We even made horse food that children could eat from Cheerios, Shreddies and apples. We have learned the parts of a horse and have been practising the different sounds that a horse makes. We have also started making plans for Graduation with the children and have spoken about our transition to big school and what we may like to be when we…
Good and bad behaviour varies according to perspective. Circumstances can often affect how behaviour is judged. For example not putting your toys away may be a bigger problem if you are living in a confined space. Adults react to behaviour in different ways and the child’s character will also make a difference. Reasons for difficult behaviour may include life changes such as the birth of a sibling, moving home, change in care arrangements or something much smaller. Children are often very receptive to what is happening around them so the likelihood is if you are feeling upset they will quickly notice to. They may then…
Summer has arrived at Crawford Childcare, Glanmire! Please remember sunscreen and hats as we are hoping to spend a lot of time outside over the next few months. The toddlers have kicked off the summer months with a sudden interest in flowers – their colours and smells especially. We have made some beautiful sunflower crafts and even planted our own sunflower seeds – hopefully they will begin to sprout out soon. With a little care they should grow bigger than us. If your seedling grows this big after taking it home be sure to share a photo with us! The babies have been busy making…