Say Hello to Oreo

Say Hello to Oreo Crawford Childcare adopted a fallabella horse in the latter half of 2013 and named him Oreo. He lives at Tir na Sí Open Farm in Watergrasshill where Julia and Paul McCarthy look after him on our behalf. Each morning and evening they feed Oreo and clean out his stable. We appreciate their work very much. On the farm Oreo's friends include pigs, sheep, horses and alpacas to mention but a few. Also the many parents and children that visit the farm stop by to chat to Oreo. He does love the attention he receives from everyone. Oreo is fifteen years old, this was confirmed by…

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day Love is in the air as we all celebrated Valentine’s Day. Here in Crawford we are exploring the emotion that is love. Teaching children all about love will help them develop positive attitudes towards themselves, friends and family. You can show a child how to love by showing affection with hugs, kisses and kind words. It’s important to praise your children regularly it is not just for succeeding, but for who they are and what they are doing (efforts and attempts). Even if your toddler doesn’t manage to do exactly what they set out to do, saying things such as “The way you tried hard…

A Fairy visit to our Montessori

A Fairy visit to our Montessori There has been great excitement over the past few days in the Montessori room in Crawford Childcare, Glanmire, Co. Cork as we prepare for a fairy visit! We have done everything we can to ensure a pleasant stay. With the help of our Montessori “Super helpers” we found a nice quiet corner in our classroom to position our fairy door. Our talented “Cutters” and “Gluers” made a foam castle complete with fairy door. We even created our own fairy post box, where we can communicate with our new friend by leaving our letters, colourings and drawings. Laura and the Montessori class sat down together to…

10 tips for building a child’s well being

10 tips for building a child’s well being Here at Crawford Childcare, Glanmire we take a pro-active approach to supporting a child’s well-being through the curriculum. These 10 ideas used as daily habits will give your child the best chance possible to become a creative confident child. Be aware of your behaviour: You’re child will do as you do. Do you have minor tantrums when things go wrong? Can you stay calm during difficult situations? Be willing to say no: Children will naturally ask for things they can see. Saying “no” will give them an opportunity to deal with disappointment and to learn impulse control. Start coaching: Coaching your child will help them…