Adventure Room Some children wanted to paint and they weren’t shy in telling us ! Kieran said ‘paint’ , while Luke was pointing at the art shelf. Elena laid out the table with everything they needed – big pieces of paper, different containers with lots of paint in various colours. She also put some brushes, sponges and tape out. The children got stuck in and many showed an interest in the tape in particular so we helped them to break pieces off and stick it onto coloured paper. Others focused on their painting using the brushes and sponges. The next time we go painting we…
Exploring Room As Laura was folding away the sheets and blankets out of the laundry basket Cillian and Jacob had other ideas! They started to take them out of the basket to hide under them, leaving off screams and laughs as the pulled them off again. This gave us the idea to take out the parachute for the children to hide under, shake off, lift up and down and to walk or sit on. We placed balls in the middle and the children then shook the parachute. They really enjoyed hiding under the parachute – screeching, laughing and shrieking throughout. Some of the boys…
Exploring Room We wandered outside and found a big muddy puddle next to the sandpit. Cillian and Jacob mad a dash to splash in the water with their feet. Then Killian saw what great fun was being had and decided to sit down in the puddle. We gave the boys a few cups from the kitchen which they used to pour the muddy water on the ground. They realised quickly that the water was sandy as well as muddy. After a while Cillian got a brush to get the water out of the puddle. He then realised that the mud could be used as paint…
Exploring Room There aren’t too many children that would say no to playing with a ball but in the Exploring room Fionn and Kieran really got the ball rolling this week as they had great fun playing outside with balls. Ball play is a great way to introduce physical activity into children’s lives with the added benefits of fun and lots of laughter with friends. Last week we offered the children a yoga ball and a tennis ball. Fionn really enjoys throwing balls up high in the air and catching them. Others enjoyed kicking and dribbling the ball. Following on from the great interest in…
Adventure Room Some of the children knew last week that Friday was St. Patricks day and they really enjoyed the arts and crafts. We provided a big piece of paper, glue, blue and yellow paint, glitter, shamrocks and cotton. Some children sticked on shamrocks while others stamped their fingers and hands on it. Other used the cotton to spread our the green glitter. We created a nice St. Patricks day mural which we put up on the wall. Some parents were delighted to hear their children were involved in the mural. Discover Room During circle time last week St. Patricks’ day came up in conversation…
Exploring Room Last Monday we were making playdough and decided to make it wetter than usual. The children gathered around the table eager to start playing with the dough. However, they were surprised to see it was not what they were expecting! This dough was wet and sticky. This made for a new play experience as the children experimented with the wet dough, touching , feeling, pulling it and generally creating a big mess! One parent commented’ I must start giving him playdough at him as he’s having so much fun playing with it here every day’. Adventure Room Last week we felt the…
Discovery Room Our Christmas show is only around the corner and practise is in full swing. The children are very excited about the big performance and we are discussing what props are needed. This year’s show is called ‘Christmas around the World’ and the children have been wondering how Christmas is celebrated in Hawaii and Australia so we decided to make props for these countries. You’ll have to wait until the show to see them! Some parents have told us the children are very excited about the show and practising their songs at home. Adventure Room There’s no escaping Christmas at the moment! Amanda got…
Exploring Room Our babies have discovered the sand box! A few weeks ago we placed it on a shelf in the library with a lid on. It didn’t take long to be explored, when one afternoon Caoimhe was playing with her sister Roisin and she came across the box. She pulled it off the lower shelf onto the floor. As the lid was on it she tried to figure out want was inside, carefully investigating the box. A few moments later she managed to get the lid off and was so excited to see all the sand inside. Upon hearing her excited squeals Roisin and…
Discovery Room On Monday Tiernan brought in a countdown to Christmas calendar. This started up a conversation between some of the children about Christmas with saying they didn’t have their Christmas tree up yet. Some children helped decorate the Christmas tree in the reception area. James shook ‘Jingle Bells’ on the tree while Peig put some balls on and David was asking when we were going to use the calendar. We also spoke about how Christmas is celebrated all around the world and made decorations for the classroom. Some children showed their parents the tree which they help to decorate. On Thursday Tiarnan stared the…
It is an exciting few weeks in the Discovery Room as our ECCE year draws to a close. We take this time to reflect on the year that has gone by and look to the future with excitement at all the new adventures that lie ahead. For some of the children in the Discovery Room at Crawford Childcare they will be transitioning to “big school” in September. The teachers at Crawford Childcare work with the children to make this transition as smooth and enjoyable as possible. Recently the Discovery Room had a special visitor – Miss Crean, a junior infant teacher from Scoil Chill Ruadhain…