Crawford Weekly News

Crawford Weekly News

Exploring Room
This week we decided it was time for a change and moved our Cosy Corner in order to make it more accessible to all the babies. The bookshelves were moved in order to create a more welcoming and comfy area for all our new arrivals. Some of the children noticed the change immediately and were excited to have a new area to explore and unwind in. As we have many new books we are spending more time storytelling and saying nursery rhymes with the children in the Cosy Corner, which we hope will continue to be an area that is calm, relaxing and most of all cosy. Parents have commented that the change has made the cosy corner more spacious and accessible and that is a very good thing. One of our Grannys said ‘more space is better’.

Adventure Room
All the children in Crawford Childcare enjoyed  playing in the mud and puddles this week thanks to all the rain.  We encouraged them to put on their wellies and raincoats to protect their clothes. Emma gathered up water in a bucket for the mud kitchen while Will, Ethan and Cian jumped up and down in the puddles. Leon used a shovel to scoop up the water. Thanks to all the parents for bringing in wellies and rain gear.

Discovery Room
During mid term we brought out various musical instruments to the children who used them to dance and march to Halloween songs outside. As some of the children really enjoyed this they were added to the shelf. Some children gathered around the table and began to play different instruments and Eilish instructed her friends to sing 'Twinkle, Twinkle' while playing. Some found the instruments too loud and complained so after discussing this problem with their friends it was decided to bring the instruments outside on a hike so they could play and sing out loud. We discussed the names of the instruments and the different sounds they made and some of the parents commented on the ‘lovely music’ the children made.

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