Crawford’s Bug Hotels

Crawford’s Bug Hotels

All the children at Crawford Childcare have been very busy the last few weeks planning and building our very own bug hotels. Our Bug Hotel’s will provide warm and friendly accommodation for a wide variety of tiny beasties in their natural environment all year round. Each room was set a task to plan and create their very own bug hotel and first prize went to the hotel that checked in the most guests on judging day. Throughout the week the children gathered various materials such as boxes, bottles, flower pots, straw, pipes, wood, earth, shells, twigs and leaves to build and design our very own hotels.

The baby room bug hotel (The Bug Plaza) was built from a wooden box filled with grass, leaves, earth and twigs. All the babies were very excited to see Mr Slug and Ms Worm check in as their first guests in the Bug Plaza.

The toddler room children created four rooms and filled them with twigs, shells, leaves and earth and called it The Toddler Bug Motel.

The Montessori’s were definitely intrigued and excitedly waiting to check in a few guests in their Bugingham Palace Hotel, which was made up of five rooms filled with all types of twigs and leaves. As a finishing touch, the Montessori’s added a roof and some pretty decorations. Although all the hotels had many bug residents the baby room Bug Plaza Hotel won first prize with the most guests at judging time.

Our completed Bug Hotels were a great success. You are all very welcome to take a closer look, just talk to one of our team and we will give you a grand tour.

We hope our guests enjoy their stay!

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