Good Morning from Crawford Childcare

Good Morning from Crawford Childcare

Mornings are busy but a special part of the day at Crawford Childcare. It is lovely to see the children being dropped off by their parents, family members and carers. Most children will stroll in happy and excited to tell us their news.

One morning  recently Aoibheann came in wearing her Peppa Pig hat and scarf with Daddy who brought her to the creche in her pink welly boots. She was too busy to say Good Bye to her Daddy.

Lucy arrived the same day standing still by the door for a few moments. The staff and friends gave her a big welcome. She gave a big smile and pointed to her boots. She told us , “ Mummy said it's winter now and the boots will keep my feet warm". Mummy gave her a kiss and said goodbye and wishing her a fun day.

James held on to Dad a bit longer but was soon happy to show us he had a hair cut. We told him that he looked like a big boy and is very handsome.

Some children find the mornings and the detachment of coming to the creche harder than others and will need further comfort and attention. They may be tired, not yet had breakfast or just do not like the mornings. Some will hold on tight to their parent and some may shed a tear, prolonging the departure as long as possible. It usually only takes a few minutes and they are happy again once their attention has  been caught elsewhere.

At Crawford Childcare Glanmire, we understand that social and  emotional development is an important part of a child's development. We advise parents to say good bye, they are going to work and will return later in the day. We do not recommend that the parents sneak out when their child’s attention is elsewhere as this often creates further anxiety for the child.

Of course a lovely part of the day is collection time too. The big smiles, hugs and kisses, telling them they had a lovely day but it is time to go home.


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