Latest From Crawford

Exploring Room
As Laura was folding away the sheets and blankets out of the laundry basket Cillian and Jacob had other ideas! They started to take them out of the basket to hide under them, leaving off screams and laughs as the pulled them off again.
This gave us the idea to take out the parachute for the children to hide under, shake off, lift up and down and to walk or sit on. We placed balls in the middle and the children then shook the parachute. They really enjoyed hiding under the parachute – screeching, laughing and shrieking throughout. Some of the boys then decided to hide and crawl under before walking underneath all the colours. Finally, they got very tired and decided to have a nap on the parachute. Some of the parents thought the parachute was a great idea.
Discovery Room
Some children showed an interest in Jack & the Beanstalk so we got out the book. We made our own castle and beanstalk the children had great fun using them while reading the book. We also made up our own new stories.
A few days later we started growing our very own beanstalk and are watching its progress carefully as we wait for the seeds to germinate. Leon’s Mum was very pleased with his work on the castle while Tom’s Mum is eager to know how his beanstalk is getting on as he tells her all about it every day.
Adventure Room
We started to paint the shed in the garden with some of the children’s help. Amanda brought brushes and plants and the children helped her to paint and plant. Charlie and Liam watered the plants and Michael really enjoyed helping Amanda with the planting. Some children dipped their hands in the paint and use them to create flowers on the shed. Cian, Charlie and Samuel showed their Dads the shed and explained all about the plants and painting. The Dads were very impressed.