Latest From Crawford

Discovery Room
Our Christmas show is only around the corner and practise is in full swing. The children are very excited about the big performance and we are discussing what props are needed. This year’s show is called ‘Christmas around the World’ and the children have been wondering how Christmas is celebrated in Hawaii and Australia so we decided to make props for these countries. You’ll have to wait until the show to see them! Some parents have told us the children are very excited about the show and practising their songs at home.
Adventure Room
There’s no escaping Christmas at the moment! Amanda got some cards for the children and they coloured them in for Santa. Then Amanda asked them what they would like to get from Santa and she wrote the requests on the cards. Amanda made a post box for the children to post their cards to Santa and we have been reliably informed that Santa has received them! Parents thought this was lovely idea and laughed at some of the requests such as a monkey and chocolates.
Exploring Room
Lots of fun with bubbles this week. Ella brought bubbles outside for the children to play with. She blew bubbles in the air and the children watched them blow up high in the sky. Some the children loved watching the bubbles and got really excited as the wind blew them into their faces. As Darci loved the bubbles so much her Mum bought a bubble wand for her.