Latest in Crawford

The weather has been a bit wintery and we have even enjoyed going out in the odd flurry of snow. This was great for the Montessori’s theme of the Winter Olympics last week. We tried our hand at our own versions of tobogganing, bob sleighing, skiing and ice skating – check out our latest learning story on this in reception. We also explored the Olympic rings and each made a spectacular torch craft which we run home with.
However Spring has definitely sprung in our crèche in Glanmire. The babies and the toddlers have been working on spring tree displays for their rooms complete with cherry blossoms. Other spring activities in these rooms look at baby animals, lamb crafts and nature walks in outside areas.
Both babies and toddlers love to play with recyclable, natural materials. A simple box can be a gateway for imagination. Some children climb aboard their cardboard box boat singing “Row row row your boat, other boxes make simple beds for dolls, boxes can also make a great canvas for mark making. Sometimes boxes are built into towering skyscrapers and other times exciting tunnels to squeeze through. The list is endless.
Meanwhile the Montessori’s are now visiting Australia. The children were fascinated with the size and the shape of this continent more than any others they have visited over the last few weeks. Many of them are now able to identify Australia and New Zealand on our globe and continent jigsaw. One of our 4 year olds has proven to be quite an expert on this topic. She has brought in books and given talks to the class about the weather and animals in Australia. Her knowledge is from first-hand experience of living in Australia and she has really taken to sharing this knowledge with her class. A Montessori teacher in the making maybe?
A date to put in your diary is Friday 7th March which is National Pyjama Day. All proceeds go to the Irish Hospice Foundation homecare for children programme and there is a lot of fun to be had in the planned event. Be sure your child wears their pyjamas to crèche this day. There is also a prize for any parent willing to make a special effort and wear their pjs too!