Managing allergies – How important it is to take care of allergies in your Montessori

Managing allergies – How important it is to take care of allergies in your Montessori

Allergies in children are common. Proper control and treatment of your child’s allergies will make them happier and healthier. Please talk to the team at Crawford Childcare and Montessori if your child has been diagnosed with an allergy concerning its management and treatment so that allergies do not get in the way of your child’s enjoyment and learning.

Any child may become allergic but there is a higher likelihood if there is a family history of such. Allergies can show up in different ways including skin rashes, asthma, hay fever and food allergies.

Hay fever may cause a runny itchy nose, red eyes and ear problems. Allergies can occur at any time – seasonally or all year round. Children may need to miss time away from crèche and Montessori because of problems associated with hay fever.

If your child has asthma or a severe allergy ensure the team at Crawford Childcare and Montessori are fully informed of what to do in the event of an emergency. Keeping active and sports are a big part of our curriculum in the Montessori and crèche. Having asthma does not mean these should be avoided so long as your doctor’s advice is followed. Asthma symptoms during exercise may indicate that your child’s medication needs to be managed differently. Asthma controller medications should be taken regularly and may sometimes be prescribed before exercise.

Certain food types may also cause allergies in a child. Only eliminate food from your child’s diet on the advice of your doctor and be sure to let us know any prohibited foods.

Please keep us fully informed of any allergies your child may have so that we can give them the best care possible. If you have any queries regarding our approach to managing allergies or any other input please do not hesitate to contact Sarah on 021 4820 630 or

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