We’re going on a bug hunt!

We’re going on a bug hunt!

The babies got a little bit closer to nature in Crawford Childcare recently as they explored our garden looking for bugs and different types of insects.

Ryan and Eilish were really keen on hunting for creepy little critters using equipment from an insect exploring kit brought in by Charlene.

The kit came with a collecting jar and pooter. The babies were very clever at using these and soon became insect investigation experts. The equipment allowed the babies to explore, catch and see bugs and insects up close.

Ryan loves ladybirds and spends a lot of time looking for them since he found one playing in the grass. The interest on his face was a joy to watch as he was absolutely fascinated. He stared open mouthed as the ladybird crawled from the grass to his finger and he instinctively seemed to know not to move a muscle!

Bug hunting is great fun even if you don’t find any! It encourages everyone to get moving as well as encouraging the children to take the time to look for things that we are sometimes in too much of a hurry to notice. What a great way to start children becoming more interested in the world around them and it lets the children follow their own adventures and discover their own wonders – just like Ryan’s ladybird!

Some of our team aren’t very fond of spiders but we all love the rhyme Incey Wincey. We thought you might like us to share the words. Ask our team or sing with your child to find out the actions!
Incey Wincey spider
Climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain
And washed poor Incey out
Out came the sunshine
And dried up all the rain
And the Incey Wincey Spider
Climbed up the spout again!

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