Why is it important your child has breakfast each morning?

How many times have you heard that “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”? We believe this in Crawford Childcare, Glanmire too but we also know it can be hard work getting your children fed in time for crèche which is why we offer a range of healthy breakfast options at the crèche. But why is it so important?
Firstly a good breakfast provides your child with the fuel they need for their day ahead. Children who eat breakfast tend to eat healthier over the day and are more physically active – the 2 main factors for maintaining a healthy weight. Children who skip breakfast may feel tired, restless and irritable and are more likely to over eat later in the day. Breakfast also helps to kick start your child’s metabolism.
What your child chooses to eat at breakfast time is also crucial. Breakfast foods that are rich in wholegrain, fibre and protein may help increase your child’s attention span, concentration and memory. Choosing healthy options for breakfast also ensures your child gets all the nutrients they need for their growing bodies.
Children who eat a healthy breakfast tend to keep their weight under control, have lower blood cholesterol levels and fewer illnesses. What do you think about our breakfast menu at Crawford Childcare, Cork? Is there a healthy option your child enjoys that you would like us to include? Let us know and we will do our best to include your suggestions.