Blowing bubbles at Crawford

Blowing bubbles at Crawford Bubbles are magical and fascinate children and adults alike. We love them at Crawford Childcare. Recently Tara was blowing bubbles and some of the children gathered around. This was the first time that some of the youngest children had experienced bubbles so it was very exciting. Emma, Leon and Ruby were the first to go over to explore in the big cloud of bubbles that Tara had created. Tom and Ethan were more reluctant as they sat nearby watching the other children exploring in the bubbles. As the bubbles floated around the room some of the children began to get very excited and started to…

Helping Children to settle in at Crawford

Helping Children to settle in at Crawford Our team of Early Years Educators at Crawford Childcare know and understand that settling your little one can bring stress and worry as you prepare to leave your child for a few hours as you return to work. We work in partnership with families to manage this transition to be as stress free as possible for everyone involved. Our dedicated key worker system is planned according to the hours your child attends and the hours our team members work as well as the compatibility between the child, parent or carer and our team member. Our key worker system within our service encourages stability and continuity…

Latest news from Crawford

Latest news from Crawford It was an exciting week at Crawford Childcare. The children arrived to us after Valentine’s weekend sharing stories of how they spent the weekend with their loved ones. Some of the children in the Discovery Room made cards as a special Valentine treat for their mums and dads on Sunday. The weather has been a mixed bag and some days it is as if we have experienced 4 seasons in the one day. Wind, rain, snow, ice and even some much wished for sunshine. We have been talking about the weather and the seasons a lot in the Discovery Room. We talked about what Spring…

Hike time at Crawford

Hike time at Crawford Many of the children in all our 3 rooms enjoy hike time over to our natural play area. There the children explore our beach area complete with sand, cobbles, water wall and water, our campsite with mud kitchen, music wall, tree stumps, loose parts and open ended structures, and our secret garden with flower beds for digging and planting. Our youngest children in the Exploring room often show excitement when they hear the words hike time. Many of our children in the Exploring room have not yet developed enough verbal language skills to put this into words but instead communicate their delight with smiles, chuckles…

Cheerios breakfast together day

Cheerios breakfast together day On Tuesday October 6th 2015, everyone in Crawford Childcare took part in celebrating Cheerios Breakfast Together Week where children and staff wore their pyjamas to crèche for the day. For many families the excitement started well before arriving at crèche. Darragh’s first words when he woke up were “it’s pyjama day today”. Ellie’s dad said that he has never seen her so excited coming to crèche. This excitement continued throughout the whole day! The day of fun filled activities kicked off with Cathy and Charlene meeting and greeting parents and children in reception offering some well deserved teas and coffees to our parents. Also waiting…

A Rainy Day at Crawford Summer Camps

A Rainy Day at Crawford Summer Camps We had a particularly wet Monday recently here at Crawford Childcare. The rain was very heavy and didn’t stop for a moment. We don’t usually shy away when there’s a bit of rain here but under such extreme weather conditions we think it is better for the children to enjoy summer camp indoors. There is no way rain is stopping play however. We gathered some boxes and asked the children what they would like to make. Perhaps inspired by all the wet weather they decided on an aquarium. All the children joined in to help paint the box. Lily said “we need to paint the…

Mr Sun at Crawford

Mr Sun at Crawford It is the summer season and finally Mr Sun has made an appearance! The babies love to hear the Mr Sun song at the moment as he is finally out! As many of the babies get ready to head away and enjoy the sun this summer we decided it would be fun to do some art and craft this week in the baby room to represent the sun in a fun way. Art and craft activities are a great way of helping children use their imagination to create their own entertainment. Making something on their own gives babies confidence in their abilities by allowing them…

A Friendship Stop at Crawford

A Friendship Stop at Crawford At Crawford Childcare, Co. Cork we are currently working towards becoming an accredited Health Promoting Service. One of the areas we have been working on for this is well-being/ emotional literacy. To support this we have recently introduced the idea of a friendship stop to the children. The idea is that if anyone feels a bit down or just wants someone to play with them they can visit the friendship stop and a buddy will join them to help them feel better. This has benefits for both children. The child looking for a buddy feels supported without having to talk about their feelings and without…

Butterflies in Crawford

Butterflies in Crawford The toddlers had a very busy month learning all about the butterfly life cycle in Crawford Childcare in Glanmire. We spent a week learning all about caterpillars. The toddlers talked about the colours of the different circles as they enthusiastically glued them together in chains to make their caterpillars. They also enjoyed listening to the story of the hungry caterpillar that Janine read to them. Everyone was very interested and listened carefully to the story. Afterwards the toddlers hoped they would find caterpillars in the garden and so a bug hunt developed. We didn’t find any caterpillars but we did find a few worms! The…

Lá Fhéile Pádraig Shona Daoibh

Lá Fhéile Pádraig Shona Daoibh On Monday 16th March the Montessori class explored everything to do with St. Patricks Day in preparation for the real thing the next day. We coloured some flags that we thought would be brilliant to use for our St. Patricks day parade in Our childcare setting in Glanmire. We wanted to include different flags in our parade so some of the children could show what country they came from or maybe where their mommy’s and daddy’s are from. We were all excited to include countries like Spain, Poland, Latvia, Saudi Arabia, Norway, France and India, and the children in the creche were delighted to show…